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Morriña? Not likely!


Although I have just arrived, one of my best friends is visiting me this week. My dearest María is coming from Buenos Aires by ship to spend a couple of days by my side. I'm really looking forward to embrassing her and to bringing up to date many conversations we usually avoid due to lack of time.

I show her my favourite places in the city, we enjoy Carmina Burana show in Sodre's Theatre and taste fainá, figazza and chivito. And in the blink of an eye she's leaving again to Argentina in order to continue with her fantastic travel bound for Iguazú!

On friday evening some of us are asked by Gastón, a Tacuabé's friend, to participate in an "asado". It's pretty surprinsing the uruguayan character. They are so outgoing and funny people! There's no need of more than 30 minutes to feel you are part of their crew.

The rest of the weekend keeps passing amazing. During the free tour we booked on Saturday afternoon we met Serrana, a living witness of Tupamaros escape from Punta Carretas prison in 1971. I get thrilled not only by her story but also by her charisma and peace of mind.

Early in the morning we drive to Colonia. I think I'll remember this day as one of the happiest in this experience. All of us are in the mood for anything and the weather goes with us too. Despite the fact that we met the worst tourist guide ever, I couldn't stop laughing for hours...

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