Being almost halfway through the program, it is the perfect time to reevaluate the experience and create new goals.
The first few weeks were extremely intense. Everything and everyone was new. Our comfort zone was suddenly reduced to a grain of salt. Panic. Howevever, nothing creative comes out of the mind of a person standing inside his comfort zone. This discomfort was necessary. We needed to discuss ideas with people who uphold different thoughts and accept our differences.
After the team was formed, we realized we would have to work hard to achieve our goal. But we didn't really know what our goal was! That was the first obstacle to overcome: to find a problem, and it was far from being a piece of cake. We struggled with confusing interviews, dead-end ideas and disconformity from the educators, but we managed to come up with a problem, a real issue in the real world, that needs to be solved. How can we improve the decision making ability of parents at the moment of designing their kids menu? How can we make the communication between patient and doctor quicker and more reliable?
Thus, finding the problem was hard, but thought-provoking. It made us think out of the box. However, the hard part is yet to come. During the next few weeks, we will need to design a solution. Us. Team 4. Tacuabe, Jennifer, Rocio, Sabrina and Juan. No one else is going to do it for us. The only way of crossing the finish line is to combine our multi-disciplinar abilities and to work hard. That's the beauty of it.
In a nutshell, Lapassion is a 10 week program, this seems an incredibly short time to develop a longlasting solution that improves the life of several children. Our idea may or may not work, but this experience will inevitably change our way of thinking and set ground to a new way of cooperating and experiencing the world around us.
In this week we worked with 2 problems that most interested us. It was time to BRAINSTORMING: we selected 5 solutions for our problems and presented to the professors. But, we discovered that some solutions weren't compatible with our problems. Oh-oh...
Now we need to work harder to solve one more problem... As the Coldplay song says: "Nobody said it was easy..."
On Thursday we travelled to Durazno for "Bricks and Bits". It was really nice, because we adapted a toy to a child. Since we are working on a project to improve the lives of children, nothing better than be with them and take advantage to capture the "good energies" that they transmit us. Thanks UTEC for this experience!